can provide you assistance on Marketing through
MarketlinkPH services.
We offer Email Marketing Databases that you can use to reach prospective customers, spread the word about your products, build web traffic or drive people to your Social Media accounts. Our Databases 95% Quality Guarantee that no other supplier can match because of our Data Cleasing System (DCS).
We can put some of the most advanced GSM / SMS Technologies in your hands to power your brand. We have exclusive technologies like BRANDED SMS (for Bulk SMS/ Text Blasting with custom SenderID) and PROXIMA SMS (Text Blast to all devices within 1.5km radius).
Is SMS relevant in the era of Apps and Instant Messaging? Yes. SMS is the common denominator of all mobiles because not all have the same Apps on their phone. While people swipe away App notifications, they still read SMS. And with Mobile Data On, content becomes live link to URLs whether to your website, Google Play App download link, or your Online Store.
use an unprofessional Yahoo or Hotmail or G-Mail when
you can have your own e-mail domain that promotes your
.COM domain
We can set it up such that we can redirect it to any URL that you want whether its your FaceBook, Instagram, Blog, YouTube Channel.
Your own email address at YOURCOMPANY.COM set to auto forward to your GMail
account so you can send as you@COMPANY.COM and receive all mail in one place.
Matching WWW.COMPANY.COM to redirect to your FB Page or WordPress site. No coding on your part required.
If you are offering goods, we may be able to accomodate your products in our Lazada Store.
Having registered early in 2017, our Lazada Store gets regular traffic and has consistently generated millions in Sales annually for the past 3 years through 2020 and 2021.
It has Top Ratings as a Seller (95% Positive, 100% Ship on Time, 100% Chat Response) and its product line up as Top Rated as well with over 500 Ratings.
This is important because Lazada favors Sellers with a solidtrack record when deciding prioritization of Search Matches. We will be able to give your products a boost vs setting up a new Lazada Store
We will evaluate your product for suitability and compatibility with our store. There is no charge for the evaluation and setting up if approved.
However, your Sales will reflect in our Corporate Taxable Income and thus incurs tax obligations. This tax expense will be added on to whatever commision rate will be agreed upon.