MakatiCorp - Instant Business Solutions   Instant Virtual Office, Ready-to-Use Furnished Offices, Call Center  
Instant Online and SMS Campaigns, Interactive Text, Web Site, Domain,  Promotion to Entrepreneurs
  Instant Researchers, Admin Staff, Coordinators, IT   Instant Drop Off site, Secure escrow, Trading Post, Meeting Point for ebay and online traders
Instant Offices in Makati CBD
Virtual Office Basic -Package 1   550.00
Virtual Office Adv  - Package 2 P 2,200.00
Actual Workstation - Package 3 P 6,950.00
Shared Workstation - Package 3L P 3,475
Instant Marketing Support
Mobile & Email Marketing Databases
Database Cleansing Services (DCS)
Email Blast up to 1 Million per month
BRANDED SMS - Text Blast 1M in 5 hrs
PROXIMA SMS - Proximity Marketing
Instant Staff
Admin Support/ Office Work/ BIR Filing
Professional Services (Legal, Accounting)
Instant Support for OnLine Traders
Secure Drop Off / Meet Up Point
Payment Acceptance Service  
Contact Us
Makati Corporate Office Services
28/F CitylandPasongTamoTower
2210 Chino Roces Ave., Makati
Trunkline: (02) 893-8909 Fax: Ext 802
Mobile Number: 0922-805-2922
Need driving or commuting directions?
Payment Information
©2017 Makati Corporate Office Services Inc.





























ESSCROW™ is our contribution to the online trading community like or While online payments and trust systems are firmly in place for markets like the US, the Philippine market has yet to overcome diffculties in establishing the foundation and attitudes and level of responsibility necessary to reach such a secure and mature stage. We provide a means to overcome these difficulties at an affordable P 1,500.00/month.


Two parties, the Buyer and Seller, are normally involved in a transaction. Because of the absence of online payment facilities due to difficulty in getting merchant accounts on part of the Seller coupled with lack of access to credit cards on part of the Buyer, they have no choice but to use unsatisfactory workarounds like:

1. Buyer is expected to make a deposit to the bank account of the Seller - thereby exposing the Buyer to the possibiity of still not receiving the item even if he already paid for it. Even if the Seller can accept cards and the Buyer has one, there is still a question of trust. Is the credit card safe and will the item be delivered?


2. Buyer and Seller send a series of text messages to try to synchronize their schedules to work out a suitable meeting date and time (if they can actually agree on it) in a public place to exchange the goods for money physically on-the-spot - thereby exposing both to risk of theft and hardly a proper place to be testing goods or counting money.


As a well established company with an easily reachable secure venue (see Contact Us page), we overcome the problem by:

1. Providing a secure place to transact. Publish the address on your Item Desciption, put a link to our website for a detailed location map, or refer them to the commuting/driving directions on our website.

2. Providing a receiving service for the item of the Seller if the Buyer cannot come yet, thereby eliminating the need to do precision synchronizing of schedules.

3. Providing a means for the Buyer to actually see and hold the item for inspection.

4. Using our ESSCROW™ service shows your Buyers that you are confident about your products and you understand your Buyer's concerns. You are a professional, honest trader.


ESSCROW™ is just P 1,500.00/month!

Contact 09228052922 or (02)3413087 today to know more.



ESSCROW™ stands for Essential Services for Creating Online Welfare.ESSCROW provides an offline trust bridge between Buyers and Sellers - thereby promoting online welfare. NOTE; Service is only for legally tradeable items. All items will be inspected. Service cannot be used for prohibited materials or substances. We reserve the right to reject items or transactions.